The meaning of "shared hosting" is that the resources are being shared with all the hosted users, therefore a fair usage is applicable for every customer.

Corrective Measures (CPU/Memory Overage)
Kindly note that this can result in overall server performance degradation and we cannot put all shared hosting customers at risk by giving an exemption.
- You should consider upgrading to a higher level hosting package, we provide complete migration assistance for free.
- If you are aware of possible cases for this issue (resources intrusive plugins, out of dated scripts/plugins, unused plugins), please remove them.
- You must not schedule cron jobs with 5 minutes of less interval.

Corrective Measures (Bandwidth/Storage Over-usage)
- If you have overused the bandwidth, you have to either wait for the next month (for the bandwidth period to be refreshed) or upgrade the package.
- If you have been suspended due to disk over-usage, please consider upgrade to an unlimited package or you will have to delete the files using FTP/cPanel File Manager. Unfortunately we will not be able to delete files on behalf of you or provide any other solution/exemption than proposing an upgrade.

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