If you receive a Phishing abuse report or Deceptive site ahead warning in your browser, it means your website is compromised. Normally, Provider.lk does not provide a backup in cases like this since we cannot assure if the backup is also compromised. Provider.lk takes measures to prevent server side attacks, however you also hold a key to the hosting account and you are fully responsible to ensure no backdoor is opened by you. We do not perform updates on your script/theme/plugin level.

Corrective Measures
- Re-install/update all hosted scripts/themes/plugins with the latest versions
- Change all your passwords (including cPanel and script level passwords - Eg.: WordPress, Joomla)
- Never use nulled/unauthentic/free scripts/plugins
- Add captcha protection to all your online contact forms
- If you see a warning, please request a review after the above steps are done; https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/99020?co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop&hl=en

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